Small Groups
We believe that bible studies and small groups, when composed of people who really care about one another and are gathered around God’s Word, can be a great help to us in growing closer to Jesus. Please peruse the following information on the bible studies and small groups that we are currently offering and see if one of them will fit for you.
If you would like to join a small group, please contact the church office.
321 Course
If you want to find out more about the Christian faith, come and join the 321 Course on selected Tuesday evenings starting on Oct 29 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. 321 is a course that invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Inspired by Jesus' vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations.
Sessions will be led by Pastor James and will be held on Oct 29, Dec 10 & 17. We might try to schedule an extra session sometime between Oct 29 and Nov 11. We will try to have the first 4 sessions before Christmas and the last 4 after New Year’s. For more info, click here. To watch the series trailer, click here.
Monday Evening Bible Study
This group meets on Mondays, 7-8:30 pm at the church in the boardroom. They go deeper into the previous Sundays reading and sermon message. Drop-ins welcome! Led by Kurt D.
Isaiah Bible Study
Come and join us as we dig into the Old Testament book of Isaiah. Often called “The Fifth Gospel,” it filled with prophecies and allusions to Jesus, God’s Promised Messiah. This Bible study takes place at Walnut Grove Lutheran Church on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Please email the church office to indicate that you want to join this Bible Study, and we will email to you a copy of the Bible Study to you.
​Men's Breakfast
The Men's Breakfast group will meet monthly on the second Saturday of each month, 9:30-11 am starting on Nov 9th. All men are invited to come out and enjoy a hearty breakfast, a time of fellowship and time spent in God's Word. The topic is to be determined. Led by Wayne H.